Submission Guidelines
Communication / queries will be accommodated via the official e-mail address -
Please begin with author(s) full name (all initials should be expanded) in the order expected for publication,
Please add their affiliations (University / Hospital / Workplace) after their name.
We have simplified the submission process by not specifying fonts, spacing and referencing formats however,
by submitting all authors accept
The article will be formatted to adhere to the format followed by the journal
They adhered to the declaration of Helsinki when the research was conducted and written
They consent to publish the article.
We accept ;
Original articles -
Word limit is less than 2500 words,
Less than 5 tables / illustrations and
Should include a structured abstract of less than 250 words.
This category includes
Systematic reviews,
Case-control / descriptive studies,
Preliminary reports,
Novel patient management methods,
Reports of new techniques and devices
Case reports -
With or without an image - word limit 500
An interesting image (Eg: MRI, CT, Clinical photograph) with the reason why it is publication worthy will be accepted (this reason could be clinical, diagnostic, being a rare phenomenon, diagnostic dilemmas, rare presentation of a common condition, a condition that mimics another condition that could lead to challenges in management if we are to list a few)
As interesting case without an image would be accepted as well based on what publication of this article adds to the knowledge of the scientific community
Letters to the author / Brief Communication / Historical article / Opinions on current practices or published articles-
Word limit is less than 2500 words.